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Our Club Profile

Closest major airport(s): Huntsville International Airport is serviced by most major carriers including Delta, USAir, American, Northwest and United Airlines.

Cost of transportation between the airport and our city: The Huntsville Club will meet ambassadors at the Huntsville International Airport.

The maximum number of Ambassadors our club can host: 25

About the Club: THE FRIENDSHIP FORCE OF THE HUNTSVILLE AREA was founded in 1991 as a spin off of Birmingham members living in Huntsville. The club has hosted inbound Journeys from 19 worldwide locations, and has Journeyed to 33 International locations. In addition, we have hosted visitors from 13 U.S. clubs and have visited 17 U.S. clubs. We have partnered with Birmingham, Alabama and South Central, Tennessee Clubs to host ambassadors to their clubs overnight or for their clubs to host our ambassadors overnight. We have participated in four Bridgebuilder programs in our area. The club has a reputation for exceptional cohesiveness and being demonstrably appreciative. We love to host and travel together as FF Ambassadors.

About the Region: HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA Huntsville was settled in 1805 as a community called Twickingham. In the 1700’s this area was part of Georgia and was sought out by settlers because of the river and prized farmland. In the 1800’s and until 1950’s the area was known as cotton mercantile and transportation center. In 1950, the little community exploded from 10,000 people to 125,000 in 10 years because it became the space and rocket center for the United States. It is now the center for Research and Development of Army Aviation, Missile Defense, Missile Offense and Space Systems and Army Material Command. The area now has a metroplex population of 500,000 and the city about 225,000. It is one of three centers for biotechnology in the United States. Huntsville is one of the top ten places to retire in the USA according to Forbes annual surveys.

North Alabama is a beautiful region of the Old South. It is highlighted by rolling hills, woods, rivers and large lakes. Huntsville has a rich heritage as the site of the State Constitutional Convention and first capital of Alabama. Many homes in downtown Huntsville range from the early 1800s to the start of the 20th century. Originally known for its large cotton plantations and watercress growing, Huntsville moved on to become the Space Capital. The Nation's space program began here in the 1950s with the Red Stone Rocket which launched the first US satellite and the establishment of the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center. The Huntsville area is rich in history and technology. Alabama’s fourth-largest city is loaded with museums and cultural opportunities, while U.S. Space & Rocket Center and historic attractions, including Victorian-era neighborhoods and a self-guided Civil War tour are offered for visitors.The green river valley, large lakes and low-lying mountains to the west help make the city picturesque and a tourist area where Southern hospitality abounds.

About the Exchange Program: Ambassadors to Huntsville are always treated to a full week of seeing the sights of the region with many opportunities to interact with other club members. A typical exchange will include a day at the US Space and Rocket Center Museum and visits to various Huntsville attractions such as the Historic Railroad Depot, Constitution Village historical recreation, Botanic Garden, Burritt Museum with its early settler homes and farmsteads, the Art Museum and the Twickenham Historic District. Depending upon the time of year, we may visit cotton fields to see harvesting and a local cotton gin. A trip to the nearby town of Lynchburg, TN brings an interesting visit to and tour of the Jack Daniels Distillery. Other nearby sights and activities include the birthplace and home of Helen Keller, the Wheeler Wildlife Refuge, Cathedral Caverns, Civil War battlefields, antebellum plantations, nature trails and activities on the lakes and rivers. Ya'll Come!


As a member of the Friendship Force, I recognize that I can make a difference. I recognize that I have a mission. That mission is to be a friend to the people of the world. As I embark upon this adventure, I know that others will be watching me. I know that through my example to my own fellow citizens, and the people of other nations that the cause of friendship, love and peace will be furthered. I can make a difference.